mncharity 7 hours ago

OT, I'm so very looking forward to some language supporting a pushout (path independent) lattice of theories (types, operators, laws). So abstraction has math-like locality and composability and robustness.

noelwelsh 14 hours ago

No parametric polymorphism aka generic types?

  • choeger 12 hours ago

    There's little value for parametric polymorphism at this level as it requires parameters (not only type parameters, but also value parameters, as otherwise the type parameter are dangling).

    It's better to think of these types as different. Maybe "primitive types" or "shapes".

  • tekknolagi 14 hours ago

    It's in the context of a Python JIT, where we're looking for a different kind of type information

    • abeppu 13 hours ago

      JIT internals are very much not my area so this might be an ignorant question but ... why doesn't the parametric issue come up in this context? The author starts with the example of a value which could be a List or a String, where the code calls for its `len`. But one could also need to reason about `x: list[list[str]] | list[str]` and where we'll do `y = len(x[0]) if len(x) > 0 else -1` which requires the system to be able to represent both the type of x and x[0] right?

      • deredede 13 hours ago

        You typically don't represent that information in the type of the object itself but rather as separate information for the type of the values (ie fields). So maybe it's "a list, and also the values are lists" or maybe it's "a list, and also the first value is a string, and the other values are integers"... and maybe it's "a list, and the values are strings, and also it has a field named 'foo' that's an integer for some reason".

        You can still have the same information (depending on the actual system), just represented differently - parametric polymorphism is a bit too rigid here because not everything fits neatly into generic schemas.

        • tekknolagi 13 hours ago

          And another bit of info: it's much harder to reliably track that, because as soon as the list (for example) escapes, its elements could have any type and it could be any size. PyPy has storage strategies and speculative typing (with guards and deoptimization) that help with this kind of thing.

  • nsajko 11 hours ago

    Julia does this for parametric types, too.

pizlonator 7 hours ago

Looks almost exactly like what JavaScriptCore calls SpeculatedType.

  • tekknolagi 6 hours ago

    Excellent, thanks for the pointer. Mentioned!

PhilipRoman 13 hours ago

wow I guess great minds really do think alike, I did almost the same exact thing a few years ago, but eventually gave up as my type hierarchy grew too complex.

You could probably represent a lot more complex relations with similar strategies by adding one or two cleanup instructions to union/intersection operations, but whenever I've tried to do it, my head gets dizzy from all the possibilities. And so far I've been unable to find software that can assist in generating such functions.

  • sparkie 9 hours ago

    One possible trick for unions is to use bloom filters, providing you have some way of hashing types. If you create a bloom filter `Bloom(t1, t2)`, it's the same as doing `Bloom(t1) | Bloom(t2)`, where `|` is just bitwise-OR.

    Obviously not perfect as it can produce false positives, but if we keep a filter of sufficient size, this will be low, and still be more space-efficient than keeping a bit per type in a large type hierarchy.

    Intersections can also be done, but with a potentially higher false-positive rate. The result of `Bloom(t1, t2)` has at least the bits set by `Bloom(t1) & Bloom(t2)`.

    • recursive 7 hours ago

      I don't think space is going to be the first issue that causes this to fall. It will probably be the human mind's ability to conceptualize the space.

IsTom 5 hours ago

This is also how Erlang's Dialyzer works.

  • tekknolagi 5 hours ago

    Have a link to the implementation?

pjs_ 11 hours ago

Come on man just do duck typing. You are killing me with this stuff.

It all reads so technical and long and mathematically academic but it’s just a bit mask.

I absolutely hate writing python now because I have to reason about a “list of list of errors” type defined by a teenager and they get mad at me if I don’t then define a new “list of list of errors, or none” type when I manipulate it. You guys are now employed by VSCode to make those hints look beautiful. VSCode is your boss now and your job is to make VSCode happy

I predict that in five years we will retvrn to duck typing in the same way that we are now retvrning to server side rendering and running on bare metal. Looking forward to the viral “you don’t need compound types” post on here. “Amazing - you can write code which does normal business tasks without learning or ever thinking about homotopy type theory”

Yes I get it if we are writing embedded code or navigation systems or graphics or whatever, please help yourself from the types bucket. Go ahead and define a dictionary of lists where one list can contain strings but all the other lists either contain 8-bit integers or None. But the academic cachet of insanely complex composable type systems bleeds through into a web server that renders a little more than “hello world” and it ruins my life

  • tekknolagi 11 hours ago

    This is not about surface level typing. This is about compiler internals.

    • tekknolagi 11 hours ago

      I added a couple of sentences in the intro to clarify.

  • __MatrixMan__ 7 hours ago

    I don't think there will be a movement away from type hints in python any time soon, they're too useful as guardrails for an LLM. But even without using an LLM I'm definitely faster with type hints enforced because I can just sort of feel around with autocomplete. Sure, the transition sucks, but once you're there the benefits start stacking up pretty fast.

  • Dr_Incelheimer 10 hours ago

    >filtered by Python types

    lmaooo sub-2σ golem detected