uyzstvqs 3 days ago

If only iOS had (real) sideloading... But no, we get authoritarian big tech to benefit authoritarian governments.

cedws 2 days ago

I don’t understand why Apple bends to the will of a sanctioned country.

cybersrs 3 days ago

The article does not explain why Russia is doing it. So please some explain it?

  • verdverm 3 days ago

    Information space control, like all authoritarian gov't try to do

    VPNs allow the people to access content the gov't doesn't control or filter

    • cybersrs 3 days ago

      How many countries does that? Why do people allow it?

      • verdverm 3 days ago

        > How many countries does that?

        It's a spectrum, in avenues and approaches, but too many imho

        > Why do people allow it?

        - some don't have a choice

        - apathy, it's a lot of effort to continually fight against it and many people don't pay enough attention or see it effect their lives directly